23 Aug 2012

Lost in tasks

I guess I'm lost in all the tasks I've set for myself. So sorry I can't squeeze in any more to each day.

I'm finishing the last edit of Tidal Surge, hoping the book will be better than Still Rock Water, which a sequal needs to be, according to my publisher.

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Added: 22.09.11
1200x900 (153.4 KB)I'm allowing the mechanical voice on the pdf format to read Long Doom Calling to me. At the end of each page, I make changes to the file. Endless things that can be improved. This novel, written between Edith Parzefall and I, is the forth in the Higher Ground series. Great story even if I do say so myself.

At the same time, I'm submitting a chapter a week of Seaweed Ribbons to the novels-l section of the Internet Writing Workshop. I wish I had time to go through it beforehand and check each line.

picture by freepixels 

Big sigh. I'm lucky to be healthy, alive and enjoying my retirement. Full occupation makes the time fly.

1 comment:

  1. Its great that you have another career in your retirement. I plan on being a full-time writer when I get there. Right now, I'm facing 50 so I have a ways to go before I get to be full-time at what I love to do.

    Hugs and chocolate,


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