19 Apr 2013

A - Z Challenge - Q

The reflection of British wildflowers in emotions.
Quinsy Wort. Quarrelsome.

Growing on sun-warmed slopes and gry grasslands, this British native quinsy is not a common species. At one time Asperula cynanchia was used in herb medicine to treat quinsy, hence it's common name. The condition of Quinsy is a complication of tonsillitis where a collection of pus develops between the back of one of the tonsils and the wall of the throat. Hard to know if the remedy worked on this serious condition. So many infections caused death back in the olden days.

Like the uncommon native quinsy, the word quarrelsome isn't in use much these days. For reference, I found these Bible quotes about a quarrelsome wife: "It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife." "A continual dripping on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are alike;" "It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman."

The word isn't linked to men. Perhaps all men were perfect husbands back then. Or maybe males weren't criticized. Quotes for husband of the same bent: "Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach ..." "What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?"
There's a chance that the quarrelsome wife will neglect the bigger picture.

Proverb: Penny wise and pound foolish.


  1. Hi Francene .. we do get the rough end of the stick don't we .. Quinsy being used to treat throttling - not a nice condition at all ... Frankly if I had quinsy I'd be quarrelsome ..

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Hehe. Me too. I'm glad I'm alive now and not then for both the aspects I mention.

  2. Nicely done. :-)

    I've never been considered quarrelsome -- no matter what the men in my life say!

    Greetings from Minneapolis!


    1. Me eithter. I'm peaceful and calm. I wipe the secret smile off my face.

  3. Hello Francene! I think we daren't criticize husbands in the olden days, but wives were fair game! I love your style of writing! Thanks for a wonderful "Q" post. ViolaFury

  4. thanks francene--very educational!

  5. I sometimes think there is a double standard in the way people might view men and women who speak out. A woman who speaks out might be regarded as "quarrelsome" while a man who speaks out is seen as assertive or showing leadership abilities.

    1. Now, everyone has the right to be assertive. Female heroines are esteemed and those women who don't stand up for what they believe in are condemned.

  6. What a unique theme of wildflowers in emotions. Nice post on quarrelsome and very interesting about quinsy wort. Nature gives us so much if only we understood and cared to look.

    1. Nature is bountiful. But, who has the time to forage nowdays?

  7. interesting Q post. Very good! I'm not going to quarrel with you

    1. I'll maintain a firm smile while I communicate with you too.

  8. Such an interesting A to Z idea!. I didn't realize that quarrelsome was no longer in use!! Loved your blog, following you from now on.

    Stopping by from A to Z.


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